
Notre recette de crêpes sans sucre et IG bas 🥞

Notre recette de crêpes sans sucre et IG bas 🥞

Fanny Barbe

Découvrez notre recette de pâte à crêpes sans sucre et à indice glycémique bas qui conviendra à tous ceux qui font attention à leur ligne, à leur santé et même...

Notre recette de crêpes sans sucre et IG bas 🥞

Fanny Barbe

Découvrez notre recette de pâte à crêpes sans sucre et à indice glycémique bas qui conviendra à tous ceux qui font attention à leur ligne, à leur santé et même...

Notre recette de tiramisu IG bas 🍰

Our low GI tiramisu recipe 🍰

Fanny Barbe

Discover our new recipe reduced in sugar for a low GI dessert! This tiramisu recipe has a glycemic index of 19, calculated by our glycemic index calculator 🍰

Our low GI tiramisu recipe 🍰

Fanny Barbe

Discover our new recipe reduced in sugar for a low GI dessert! This tiramisu recipe has a glycemic index of 19, calculated by our glycemic index calculator 🍰

Notre recette de pancakes IG bas 🥞

Our low GI pancake recipe 🥞

Fanny Barbe

Discover our new recipe reduced in sugar for a low GI snack! This muffin recipe has a glycemic index of 26, calculated by our glycemic index calculator 🥞

Our low GI pancake recipe 🥞

Fanny Barbe

Discover our new recipe reduced in sugar for a low GI snack! This muffin recipe has a glycemic index of 26, calculated by our glycemic index calculator 🥞

👩‍🍳 Notre recette de muffins vanille chocolat IG bas

👩‍🍳 Our recipe for low GI chocolate vanilla muf...

Fanny Barbe

Discover our recipe for muffins reduced in sugar and with a low glycemic index to treat yourself to a snack! This recipe has a GI of 23, calculated by our...

👩‍🍳 Our recipe for low GI chocolate vanilla muf...

Fanny Barbe

Discover our recipe for muffins reduced in sugar and with a low glycemic index to treat yourself to a snack! This recipe has a GI of 23, calculated by our...

Notre recette de Banana Bread IG bas 🍌

Our low GI Banana Bread recipe 🍌

Delphine Cousseau ( Cousseau )

For those who are still hesitant, we have decided to share one of our flagship breakfast recipes with you. : Banana Bread low GI. This recipe has a glycemic index of...

Our low GI Banana Bread recipe 🍌

Delphine Cousseau ( Cousseau )

For those who are still hesitant, we have decided to share one of our flagship breakfast recipes with you. : Banana Bread low GI. This recipe has a glycemic index of...

Recettes ig bas

Low GI whipped cream

Fanny Barbe

Do you dream of accompanying your strawberries with homemade low GI whipped cream 🍓? We share with you our low glycemic index recipe with only two ingredients!

Low GI whipped cream

Fanny Barbe

Do you dream of accompanying your strawberries with homemade low GI whipped cream 🍓? We share with you our low glycemic index recipe with only two ingredients!