Quel dessert quand on est diabétique ?

What dessert when you are diabetic?

Being diagnosed with diabetes may seem like giving up anything sweet. But not necessarily, being diabetic does not mean the end of fun! It is entirely possible to enjoy pastries and snacks while maintaining stable blood sugar levels, we won't be the ones to tell you otherwise! In this article, we share our tips for finishing your meals on a sweet note or having a little snack without feeling guilty!

👉 Focus on fresh fruit

Fresh fruit is your best friend for a snack, for making a fruit salad or even a homemade compote. Be careful, it will always be better to eat the fruit whole rather than blending it. In fact, the fibers will be destroyed and the glycemic peak will be greater.

Also use your fresh fruit to create your dessert recipes. Your pies, muffins or other fruit cakes will need less added sugar to taste just as tasty!

👉 Take a look at your cupboards

The best thing will be to remove white sugar and white flour from your cupboards in order to replace them with alternatives that will have a lower glycemic index. Think about agave syrup, coconut blossom sugar, whole wheat flour, chickpea flour, buckwheat flour…

Find our article on low GI sugars here: https://ohoui.com/blogs/articles/quel-sucre-utiliser-pour-des-desserts-a-ig-bas

As well as our article on low GI flours here: https://ohoui.com/blogs/articles/quelles-farines-utiliser-pour-de-la-patisserie-ig-bas

👉 Add fiber

We told you about it in another article, fiber helps stabilize blood sugar levels by slowing down digestion. In addition to whole wheat flours, think about chia seeds or flax seeds to provide the fiber content necessary for your desserts or yogurts (preferably unsweetened cottage cheese)!

👉 Think about pastries with a low glycemic index!

We created Oh Oui! in 2020 with only one idea in mind: that no one is deprived of dessert again! This is why we have developed pastries that are reduced in sugar, rich in fiber and with a low glycemic index. No more white sugar and white flour, we use coconut blossom sugar, agave syrup or even grape sugar in small quantities, as well as wholemeal flour, chickpea flour or even grape bran. oats to provide plenty of fiber! We have a store in the heart of Paris but we deliver frozen foods throughout France thanks to Chronofresh (excluding Corsica): https://ohoui.com/collections/livraison-france

So, do we continue to have fun without feeling guilty?

Delphine and Fanny

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