Mousse au chocolat IG bas croustillante

Low GI Chocolate Mousse Crisp

For 6-8 people

  • 300g cream (minimum 30% fat)
  • 100g of dark chocolate
  • 70g of crushed Elsy balls

👉 Melt the chocolate and 100g of cream in a bain-marie. As soon as the mixture is homogeneous, take it off the heat and add 200g of cold cream. Filter the mixture and let the cream rest for at least 4 hours in the refrigerator.

Crush the Elsy balls.

👉 Using an electric mixer, whip the chocolate ganache. The cream should be firm enough to turn the bowl upside down, but be careful not to overbeat it or it will slice.

👉 Add the Elsy balls and mix.

👉 Arrange the mousse in small glasses.

Tip: decorate with cocoa for an irresistible truffle effect ...

Good tasting

Delphine and Fanny

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