Recettes ig bas

Low GI whipped cream

Do you dream of accompanying your strawberries with homemade low GI whipped cream 🍓? Here is our simple recipe! You will only need two ingredients:
▪️ 200g of cream with at least 30% fat
▪️ 15g coconut sugar
Little tip: Don’t hesitate to leave the bowl and mixer beaters in the freezer for an hour before you start! The cold will help the cream rise better!
👉 In a bowl with a high edge, pour the cream and add the coconut sugar (you can also add vanilla if you wish). Whip the cream with a mixer until it has the texture of shaving foam. Be careful not to whip too much or you risk causing the cream to slice. Generally between 5 and 8 minutes is enough!
And it’s already ready 😍! Serve this cream to accompany fruit or to garnish a tartlet. Coconut sugar brings an original amber touch, which contrasts with the sweetness of the cream.
Be careful, this whipped cream settles after 12 hours, so it is better to enjoy it quickly 😋
Tell us if you approve this recipe!
Delphine and Fanny
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