recette brownie IG bas

Low GI chocolate brownie

You love our low glycemic index all-chocolate brownie Oh Oui!

Today, we share with you our low GI recipe without white sugar or white flour!

For 6-8 gourmands :

  • 190g of butter
  • 320g of dark chocolate
  • 20g of coconut sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 80g of T150 flour

👉 Preheat the oven to 180°C.

👉 Melt the butter with 190g of dark chocolate cut into squares in a bain-marie or in the microwave (keep the remaining 130g of chocolate to make your chips). Be careful not to burn it if you do this in the microwave, and stir every 30 seconds. Once smooth, set aside.

👉 Coarsely chop the chocolate into crunchy chips.

👉 Mix the eggs with the coconut sugar until the mixture is white. Add flour and salt. Then add the chocolate mixture, along with the chocolate chips.

👉 Pour the mixture into a buttered and floured or parchment paper-lined pan. Bake between 12 and 18 minutes, depending on your preference (more melting or well done).

To be eaten hot and still melting, or cold and a little more compact after a night's rest...

Tip: chocolate preparations are often better the next day: a night's rest allows the chocolate to develop all its flavors, and to form a beautiful harmony with the other materials of a preparation...

Good tasting ! Don't hesitate to send us your feedback.

Find all our recipes here :

Delphine and Fanny

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