Banana Bread IG bas

Low GI Banana Bread

Do you know banana bread? This cake, and not a bread as its name indicates, comes straight from the United States and we love it because in addition to being low GI, it allows us to use our bananas a little too ripe and thus not to waste!

The recipe for 6 people (or just for you and your weekday snacks😃):

  • 3-4 mashed bananas (depending on their size)
  • 100ml of milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 65g coconut oil
  • 50g agave syrup
  • 150g of T150 flour
  • 70g hazelnut or almond powder
  • 100g of dark chocolate
  • ½ sachet of yeast

👉 Preheat the oven to 180°C

👉 Mash the bananas, add the eggs, then the milk. Then add the powders: flour, almonds or hazelnuts, yeast and mix. Finally add the agave syrup and the melted coconut oil (liquid).

👉 If you want to add a bit of sweetness, you can add hazelnuts or chocolate chips to the preparation (you know our passion for chocolate!)

👉 Place the mixture in a cake pan lined with baking paper. Bake for 30-45 minutes depending on your oven and your preferences.

👉 Turn out and enjoy with some fruit or a low GI whipped cream...

Tip: To know if your banana bread is ready stick the tip of a knife or toothpick in the center. If it comes out dry, without a trace, the cake is cooked. On the other hand, if liquid batter clings to the tip, cook for 5 more minutes.

Tell us what you think and send us pictures of your banana bread 👨🍳 !

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