On vous dit tout sur le fructose !

We tell you everything about fructose!

First of all, what is fructose?

Fructose is a sugar of vegetable origin, it is found in honey and fruits. It is an isomer of glucose, which means that it has the same general formula but different properties.

Fructose can also be found in many foods and beverages in the form of sucrose or as a food additive.

In our recipes, you will find fructose in the grape sugar we use.

indice glycémique bas

But why is fructose said to be unhealthy?

Fructose itself is not bad, it is a natural sugar. It is its overconsumption that can cause a problem.

An overconsumption of fructose (more than 100g per day, which is equivalent to 2L of soda) can be responsible for cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (we are talking about overconsumption here)!

The recommended daily dose not to be exceeded is 50g per day.

Fructose can be recommended to diabetics because its glycemic index is much lower than that of glucose. It is 21 against 100 and therefore does not raise the blood glucose level too much after ingestion, but its consumption must be moderate.

That's why at Oh Oui ! we also use other low GI sugars such as coconut sugar and agave syrup to balance our recipes: we have made it our mission to replace refined white sugar with coherent and healthy alternatives!

To treat yourself with a clear conscience...

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1 comment

J’ai écouté votre émission, ce matin, sur vos pâtisseries allégées en sucre.
Avez vous élaboré un ouvrage de recettes svp ?

Brigitte Capirossi

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