Est ce qu'un diabétique peut manger madeleine ?

Can a diabetic eat madeleines?

Diabetes requires special attention to diet. People with diabetes need to make wise food choices to keep their blood sugar levels under control . One of the frequently asked questions is whether a diabetic person can enjoy a delicious madeleine without fearing for their health? In this article, we will explain the things to check to have fun without feeling guilty 😉

The madeleine recipe generally consists of flour, eggs, sugar, butter and yeast. These ingredients can influence blood sugar levels, but moderation and choosing alternatives can play a crucial role for people with diabetes.

👉 Alternatives to white sugar

White sugar will automatically spike your blood sugar, which is why we recommend switching to low glycemic index sugars such as coconut blossom sugar or agave syrup ! We do not recommend sweeteners which, in addition to adding flavor to your recipe, are not recommended by the WHO (World Health Organization).

👉 Alternatives to white flour

On the flour side it's the same, during digestion, white flour will transform into sugar for our body. The best is therefore to choose wholemeal or legume flours which, in addition to being more nutritionally interesting, will help keep blood sugar levels stable.

👉 Portion control

Obviously, even if the recipe for your madeleine is interesting in terms of nutrition, you should not in any case exaggerate on the quantities! But on a classic portion , it will easily fit into a balanced diet.

👉 Madeleines Oh Yes!

If you are motivated to go into the kitchen to prepare your low GI madeleines, we share our recipe right here: Low GI Madeleines – Oh Yes!

Don't feel like baking? We understand you! In these cases, please note that we deliver our madeleines reduced in sugar, rich in fiber and with a low glycemic index throughout France in frozen form thanks to our partner Chronofresh. With lemon or elderflower, the hardest part will be choosing your favorite scent!

Delivery France by Chronofresh ❄️ – Oh Yes!

With their glycemic index below 25, there is no risk of a rise in blood sugar, so there is no question of being deprived of dessert or snack!

So the answer is YES! A person with type 1, 2 or even gestational diabetes can continue to enjoy a delicious madeleine if they pay attention to its composition and of course by moderating their consumption! In any case, if you have any doubts, do not hesitate to ask your doctor or health professional who is treating you in the context of your diabetes or other constraint requiring special attention.

Don't deprive yourself of dessert anymore!

Delphine and Fanny

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