Comment satisfaire ses envies de sucre sans compromettre sa santé ?

How to satisfy your sugar cravings without compromising your health?

Sugar, although necessary for our body, can be problematic when consumed in excess. In this article, we offer some tips to satisfy your sugar needs without compromising your health. 

  1. Hydration, the key to sugar cravings 💧

When you suddenly get a sugar craving, it could be a sign of mild dehydration. Your body may be less efficient at breaking down its energy stores, leading to sugar cravings for an energy boost. Try drinking a glass of water instead of reaching for those sweet treats in your cupboard! 

  1. Herbal teas to cut the appeal of sugar ☕

Herbal teas, in addition to improving digestion, can be a great way to cleanse the kidneys and liver and reduce sugar cravings. We recommend choosing natural, sugar-free herbal teas for a soothing effect without extra calories. 

  1. Protein and fat to stabilize energy 🥚

Including protein and healthy fats in your diet can slow the release of sugar into your bloodstream, helping you maintain stable energy levels and reduce temptations.
Examples: eggs, nuts and seeds, plain Greek yogurt, avocados or oily fish such as salmon and tuna. 

  1. Fiber, vitamins and minerals against sweet cravings 🥝

Foods rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals are essential to combat sweet tooth cravings. Fruits are especially recommended because of their fiber and antioxidant content . The naturally occurring sugar they contain can help you feel full. 

  1. A healthy snack to quell sudden cravings 🍫

If you really need to snack, opt for healthy alternatives:

Sweet cravings  

Salty Cravings  

  • One or two squares of dark chocolate containing at least 75% cocoa can be both satisfying and a valuable source of health-promoting nutrients. 
  • Choose pastries with a low glycemic index, especially Oh Oui ! pastries which are made with natural sugars and alternative flours! ( Learn more about Oh Oui! pastries ) 
  • 0% fromage blanc to satisfy your need to snack while providing a portion of protein.
  • Wholemeal bread with guacamole or with a dose of fresh goat cheese 
  • Oilseeds: almonds, cashews, pecans, etc. for a slow release of energy. 
  • Olives that help regulate bad cholesterol levels, knowing that they are rich in Omega 3, antioxidants, etc. 

⚠️ Warning: Although these snacks are healthy, avoid making them systematic. Balance is the key to a healthy and balanced diet.  

By following these tips, you can learn how to satisfy your sugar cravings in a healthy and sustainable way. 

The Oh Oui ! Team 

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