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Whole starchy foods: a source of energy in a low glycemic index diet

Starchy foods are an essential component of our daily diet. But in recent years, bread, pasta, rice and potatoes have been singled out for being accused of making you gain weight. Is that really it?

What is a starch?

Starchy foods are a category of foods high in carbohydrates, primarily composed of starch. They are present in many foods, such as cereals, legumes, tubers (such as potatoes or sweet potatoes) as well as all processed products derived from them (bread, pasta, mashed potatoes, etc.).

Carbohydrates are an essential source of energy for our body, but not all carbohydrates are equal. Starchy foods are divided into two main categories: refined (“white”) starchy foods and whole grain starchy foods.

Why choose whole starchy foods?

Whole-grain starchy foods are foods that retain their most natural, unprocessed form. Unlike refined starches, they contain the whole grain, which means they contain not only the starch, but also the fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

The advantages of favoring whole starchy foods are numerous:

👉 Rich in fiber : The fiber present in whole starchy foods promotes digestion, helps maintain a stable weight and contributes to the feeling of satiety.

👉 Essential nutrients : Whole starchy foods are a valuable source of B vitamins, iron, magnesium, zinc and other micronutrients that are important for our body.

👉 Antioxidants : Whole grains contain antioxidants, such as polyphenols, which help protect cells.

👉 Lower glycemic index : These starchy foods have a lower glycemic index than refined starchy foods. This means they release glucose more slowly into the bloodstream, preventing blood sugar spikes and promoting better insulin regulation.

👉 Better weight management : Whole-grain starchy foods can help control appetite, which can be beneficial for weight management.

How to integrate starchy foods into a low glycemic index diet?

Now that we understand the importance of whole starchy foods, here are some tips for integrating them optimally into a low glycemic index diet:

👉 Opt for whole grains : Choose whole grains like oats, quinoa, brown rice and whole grain bread rather than their “white” counterparts.

👉 Vary the sources of starchy foods : Integrate a variety of whole starchy foods into your diet to benefit from different nutrients.

👉 Control portions : Starchy foods are a source of energy, so be careful not to eat too much of them to avoid exploding your calorie count.

👉 Pair them with protein and vegetables : Combining whole starches with lean proteins and vegetables promotes a low glycemic index and creates balanced meals.

👉 Prefer steaming or boiling : These cooking methods preserve the glycemic index of foods, unlike frying for example.

In conclusion, whole-grain starches are an essential component of a healthy diet, especially for those looking to maintain a low glycemic index. This is why at Oh Oui! we have favored wholemeal flours and unrefined sugars for their sustainable energy supply, their fibers and their much more interesting nutrients. All this combined, the Oh Oui pastries! always promise you a GI of less than 25 across the entire range!

Delphine and Fanny

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